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Morrells 2-Component Filler

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Product Variations for Morrells 2-Pack Filler
Prices are exclusive of VAT
Sub Category Price Qty
Light Oak

Medium Oak

Medium Mahogany

Dark Mahogany




Medium Walnut

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Product Variant Price Qty Add To Cart
Light Oak
Medium Oak
Medium Mahogany
Dark Mahogany
Medium Walnut

A range of 2 component fillers formulated for use on metal, GRP and timber for interior and exterior applications. They are also suitable for repairing damage to corners and edges of furniture. They are supplied with a separately packed hardener. The standard range consists of a selection of the most widely used wood colours.

These fillers based on polyester resin in combination with extenders and fillers have good adhesion/anchorage properties coupled with minimal shrinkage or absorption.
They are quick drying with excellent sanding properties.
  • Price includes tube of hardener.
  • Hardener also sold separately click here

  • Add 2.0 to 2.5% of the supplied hardener to the filler
  • Mix the two components together thoroughly
  • Once mixed the filler has a working life of approximately 5 mins
  • In cold conditions the level of hardener should be increased to 3.0 to 3.5%
  • In hot conditions the level of hardener should be reduced to 1.0 to 1.5%

  • Apply the filler onto a stable, clean and dry surface by knife or scraper
  • Apply slightly proud of the surface to allow for any shrinkage during drying
  • Deep holes should not be filled in one operation, as this can lead to excessive shrinkage causing the filler to crumble.
  • The filler can be sanded flat with 180 or 240 grit paper 45 to 60 minutes after application.

WhiteLight OakMedium Oak Pine
Med. MahoganyDk MahoganyBlack 
*Chart approximate only, do not use for colour matching.
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